To Remove the Stop on a Omron Controller do the following:
1. Press the page "" and the scroll "
" button simultaneously until "oAPt" appears on the screen
2. Press Scroll "" until you see the parameter "PMSK" on the screen
3. Press the down "" button to turn off
4. Press the page "" and the scroll "
" button simultaneously to take you back to the main menu
5. Press Scroll "" until you see "R-S" on the screen
6. Press the down "" button to turn "stop" to "Run"
7. Press the page "" and the scroll "
" button simultaneously until "oAPt" appears on the screen
8. Press Scroll "" until you see the parameter "PMSK" on the screen
9. Press the down "" button to turn on.
10. Press the page "" and the scroll "
" button simultaneously to take you back to the main menu